jeudi 25 mai 2017


                     Helicopter Aerodynamic(part-1)

Helicopter aerodynamic is branch of physics that deal with forces and pressure exerted by air in motion
In order to fully understand the relation between forces and pressure we will take quick look at propriety of atmosphere and how it affects helicopter engine and rotor performance

·      The atmosphere

 The atmosphere is mass of air that envelope the envelopes the earth .it is composed of different layer
Figure1, Atmospheric Structure.
For the purpose of our study we will focus just on troposphere

Layer adjacent to the earth’s surface. Large amounts of moisture and condensation.
Nearly all weather occurs there. It extends from surface to28,000 feet over poles and 55,000 feet over equator. Temperature normally decreases with altitude (lapse rate).
This mass of air consists of two types of constituents;
1.        Non-varying
2.        Varying
 For a volume of air the non-varying constituents includes
v  Nitrogen
v  Oxygen

Figure2; troposphere constitution.
The remaining one percent consists of varying of varying constituents of carbon dioxide, helium, hydrogen, and water vapor.

The atmospheric pressure at any altitude is the result of the downward pressure exerted by the mass of particles above that altitude. Therefore, the air on the earth surface is exerted by the greatest pressure than the air at certain altitude.

·Pressure altitude;
 The pressure altitude is static air pressure at certain altitude in standard atmosphere (29.92 IN HG/15 C°).
On standard day the temperature is 15C°(59F) and the pressure is

                                                          Figure3; atmospheric pressure on standard day.
It is the cooling rate which corresponds to 2 degree Celsius decrease in each thousand feet of altitude increase.

·         Atmosphere density
It is greatest at earth surface and decrease as altitude increase
Air is affected by multiple factor like temperature, pressure and humidity.
There is reciprocal relationship between temperature and humidity
Starting with temperature, when a mass of air is heated molecule distance increase thus density decrease, the opposite is true.
Humidity increase cause decrease in air density cause water molecules occupy
More volume when humidity decreases density increase

Figure4;effect of temperature on air density        Figure5;relationship between temperature and humidity

                                                          Figure6; effect of humidity on air density
·                             Air density and helicopter aerodynamic
Air density affects the aerodynamic forces on the rotor blade as well as engine performance therefore affecting power required and power available.
It is important for helicopter pilot to understand the difference between air density and density altitude (DA) which is the altitude in standard atmosphere corresponding to a particular air density; Making correction for temperature and humidity to pressure altitude we can derive density altitude.
There is direct relationship between density altitude and air density .as one increase the other automatically decrease
·      Determine density altitude
There are two way to determine density altitude
1.      Rules of thump
2.      Using density altitude diagram
From the first rule there is mathematic formula we can use to determine the density altitude

PA: pressure altitude
Ct: Temperature correction [indicated outside air temperature at altitude-standard temperature at altitude]*120.
Ch: HUMIDITY CORRECTION=relative humidity/10%*100.
Determine the density altitude:
AOT (indicated outside temp) =17c°
Knowing that standard temperature is 15 c° and as we climb 1000 feet temperature decrease at rate of 2C° so the standard temperate at 4000feet is
Ct=17c°-[15-(4000*2/1000)]*120=1200   Rc=RH/10%*100=70/10*100=700
The second method is way to easier
PA=5700 ft
AOT=15 F°/-10C°
DA=4000 ft
Figure7;desity alt diagram temperature in Fahrenheit       Figure8; density altitude diagram temperature in Celsius


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